Daily Archives: May 19, 2011

Card for the Day – 19 May 2011

The infinity symbol ∞ in several typefaces.

Image via Wikipedia

‘Card for the Day’

The Two of Pentacles

The II of Pentacles

A young man, in the act of dancing, he has a pentacle in either hand, and they are joined by that endless cord which is like the number 8 turned on its side. To be more specific the symbol is called a ‘lemniscate‘, which is the symbol for infinity. The word comes from the Latin infinitas or “unboundedness”. The small ships in the background lead to movement, more than likely small journeys delivering messages of good news.

Meanings: On the one hand it is represented as a card of gaiety, recreation and its connections, which is the subject of the design; but it is read also as news and messages in writing, as obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment.

Reversed: Enforced gaiety, simulated enjoyment, literal sense, handwriting, composition, letters of exchange.

Additional Meanings: Troubles are more imaginary than real. Reversed: Bad omen, ignorance, injustice.


I need a few moments to sit back and reflect on today…………..

TBQ. So, how was your day then?

Cybee. OK. I s’pose, well actually it was quite good up till about 6pm tonight when some bright spark decided to put the mockers on the whole day and the rest of the evening. 

TBQ. Don’t you just hate it when that happens.

Cybee. No. Not necessarily. I can take the rough with the smooth most days but just sometimes, don’t you just wish the person who may have put their foot in your mouth had taken their boot off first. At least to soften the blow slightly.

TBQ. Sounds like they upset you quite a lot?

Cybee. You might say that and then, there again sometimes you have to take that one sucker-punch to make you sit up and realise what you may have done to make them react the way they did. So you can’t always blame the other person.

TBQ. You certainly are reflecting a lot here?

Cybee. That’s why I come in here, to wind down and have a good old think, along with a good cup of tea and the occasional smoke to calm me down. It sure beats banging my head against the post of life. I’ve left a lot of dents in that post over many, many years. I should really think about getting a new one with less bumps and scars in it. Maybe go to the forest of wood chuckers and cut me one down in the morning.

TBQ. What’s this music you’re listening to?

Cybee. Not got a clue, it’s a radio station called ‘Classic FM‘. Classical music 24/7. It helps with the thought process and calms me down, a lot. You should listen to it sometimes, it’s more stimulating than you can imagine. I like it very much simply because the channel doesn’t get bombarded with advertisement all day long, it’s just music, and that’s what I like about it.

TBQ. Don’t you like any other sort of music then?

Cybee. Oh yes! I love music, all of it. Well maybe not all but certainly 95% of it. I’m not sure who said this, ‘Music soothes the soul’. It not only soothes me it also gives me so much inspiration.

Cybee. Well, it’s time for me to get some more work done now. Will you be here tomorrow?

TBQ. As always, unless the boss needs me for something special. Yeh! I’ll be here. Sees you laters. Cheers for the chat.

TBCybee. You’re welcome. Till the morrow then. Close the door behind you when you leave. Bye.

I feel so much better now

Talking to the other Me.