Journalot – Concerns over Gaia


Concerns over Gaia

As previously mentioned a few weeks ago in the article,  ‘Is our planet fighting back?’, (Posted on April 23, 2011).

I’m starting to become slightly more concerned with what’s happening  here on Earth and how she is reacting to all the unrest, wars, fighting, and the high levels of negativity that the inhabits are inflicting on her. Every other day there seems to be some kind of natural disaster occurring with the likes of earth quakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, extremes in weather conditions and so much more, all of which have attributed to hundreds of deaths and billions of dollars-worth of destruction.

This reminds me of a recent film I saw, ‘The Day after Tomorrow’, when the scientist realise that the rapid cooling down of the Earth, initially believed to be months and months away, suddenly became aware of the speed and the enormity of its disastrous effects that it was about to unleash on the world as a whole, was only a matter of hours away. You know the rest………

I just hope someone is keeping an eye on the bigger picture here and is not blinkered in as much as thinking, ‘It’s not going to happen in their lifetime,’ and could be ignoring the vital signs.

Keep your eyes skinned guys, some of us need to be doing the night-watch, just in case…….

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